We’ve got a success story we’re thrilled to share with you today!
Recently, Catawba College in North Carolina was dealing with a pressing problem – a series of bird strikes at several locations on their campus. Not only was this distressing, but it was also posing a threat to our feathered friends. That’s when one of our top installers, Sun Stoppers, from Charlotte, North Carolina sprang into action.
Sun Stoppers responded to the emergency call from Catawba College. Using our SOLYX® SX-BSFH Bird Safety Film, they were able to mitigate the bird strike issue at the campus locations. We’re thrilled to announce that the staff at Catawba College have reported the situation has vastly improved thanks to our bird safety film.
Our SOLYX® Safety Films are more than just a product; it’s a solution. It’s proof of our commitment to providing safety, security, and comfort for both our clients and our ecosystem. We’re proud to say that, with Sun Stoppers’ help, we’ve assisted in making a significant impact on bird safety at Catawba College.
Want to see our Bird Safety films in action? Check out the video below that Sun Stoppers has put together. In it, they showcase the pressing problem, how these films work to keep birds safe, and the successful outcome of the installation of our bird safety film. Watch as they masterfully install the film, transforming the windows from potential hazards for the birds.
How our SOLYX® Bird Safety Films Work
Recognized as a vital tool in bird conservation, bird safety window films work by creating a visible barrier that birds can recognize and avoid.
These films feature unique patterns or designs that are perceptible to birds, yet still allow for excellent light transmission and visibility for humans.

By breaking up the reflection or transparency of glass, these films deter birds from flying into windows, a common yet dangerous misconception that clear passage is ahead.
The result is a safe and effective solution that protects our feathered friends from window collisions, without compromising on aesthetics or natural light.